Areas of Expertise

* Electricity markets, contracts, technologies and assets

* Cap-and-trade markets, emissions and environmental regulations

* Natural gas and coal: emissions, pollution controls and markets

* International science, technology and regulatory policies

Electricity markets, contracts, technologies and assets

  • Assess power supply alternatives, technologies and contracts,
  • Evaluate power sales agreements and economics for renewables, demand-response, conventional and combined heat and power supply offers, including bids received, economic & valuation methods,
  • Conduct due diligence, monitor negotiations with short-listed bidders and review contract terms and conditions,
  • Prepare reports regarding fairness and make recommendations about the Request for Offers process, evaluation methods, short-listed projects and specific contracts filed for approval at the California Public Utilities Commission.
  • Advise re: Integrated Resource Planning, Long-term Procurement Planning, economic methods, analytic models and regulatory compliance,
  • Evaluate technology cost and performance, market penetration and R&D.
  • Value projects and power plant property taxes, and
  • Prepare damage calculations, draft and deliver expert testimony, write and review interrogatories and comments in regulatory and civil proceedings and provide litigation support.

Cap-and-trade markets, emissions and environmental regulations

  • Simulate the behavior of electricity, natural gas & allowance markets and project effects of regulations governing greenhouse gases,
  • Develop integrated assessments of the impacts of New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), New Source Review, CEQA, alternative market designs and proposed regulations for greenhouse gases (GHG),
  • Compare and critique cap-and-trade market designs and regulations for emission allowances,
  • Simulate allowance auction behavior and calculate effects of market rules on compliance strategies, and
  • Examine characteristics of economic models, projected prices and costs under California’s AB 32 and proposed U.S. national legislation.

Natural gas and coal fuels and markets

  • Review procurement, fuel switching and hedging activities,
  • Examine purchase agreements and operations,
  • Conduct “reasonableness” and “prudence” reviews and prepare expert testimony,
  • Project market behavior and forecast prices, and
  • Analyze pipeline economics and tariffs for FERC and CPUC rate cases.

International science, technology and regulatory policies

  • Develop and critique energy and environmental market design, regulations and sustainable market policies,
  • Advise regarding integrated technology assessments, energy policy analyses and environmental impact studies, and
  • Serve as peer reviewer of articles submitted for publication.
Huntington Beach Power Plant 11/16/2004