* Electricity markets, contracts, technologies and assets
* Cap-and-trade markets, emissions and environmental regulations
* Natural gas and coal: emissions, pollution controls and markets
* International science, technology and regulatory policies
Electricity markets, contracts, technologies and assets
Assess power supply alternatives, technologies and contracts,
Evaluate power sales agreements and economics for renewables, demand-response, conventional and combined heat and power supply offers, including bids received, economic & valuation methods,
Conduct due diligence, monitor negotiations with short-listed bidders and review contract terms and conditions,
Prepare reports regarding fairness and make recommendations about the Request for Offers process, evaluation methods, short-listed projects and specific contracts filed for approval at the California Public Utilities Commission.
Evaluate technology cost and performance, market penetration and R&D.
Value projects and power plant property taxes, and
Prepare damage calculations, draft and deliver expert testimony, write and review interrogatories and comments in regulatory and civil proceedings and provide litigation support.
Cap-and-trade markets, emissions and environmental regulations
Simulate the behavior of electricity, natural gas & allowance markets and project effects of regulations governing greenhouse gases,
Develop integrated assessments of the impacts of New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), New Source Review, CEQA, alternative market designs and proposed regulations for greenhouse gases (GHG),
Compare and critique cap-and-trade market designs and regulations for emission allowances,
Simulate allowance auction behavior and calculate effects of market rules on compliance strategies, and
Examine characteristics of economic models, projected prices and costs under California’s AB 32 and proposed U.S. national legislation.
Natural gas and coal fuels and markets
Review procurement, fuel switching and hedging activities,
Examine purchase agreements and operations,
Conduct “reasonableness” and “prudence” reviews and prepare expert testimony,
Project market behavior and forecast prices, and
Analyze pipeline economics and tariffs for FERC and CPUC rate cases.
International science, technology and regulatory policies
Develop and critique energy and environmental market design, regulations and sustainable market policies,
Advise regarding integrated technology assessments, energy policy analyses and environmental impact studies, and
Serve as peer reviewer of articles submitted for publication.